IMMIGRATION, EMPLOYMENT, Assistance and Advice.

Have your eligibility and qualifications reviewed. We assist with language proficiency, education, work experience, and civil status.

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Trusted by over 600 Travelers and Job Seekers, Worldwide.

Jessica Simon

I have been following this process and have become a resident of Australia. 

Change Your Life

Gateway to Global Opportunities: Navigate, Migrate, Elevate!

Review CLIENT’s Eligibility and Qualifications

Express Entry system (including Federal Skilled Worker or participating State Nominee Program) in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable at the time of execution of this agreement (hereinafter referred to as an “EOI”).

Prepare, Submit, and Monitor CLIENT’S Application

within the period of following the execution of this agreement. An application is defined as the filing of an EOI or an invitation to apply for a permanent residence visa (hereinafter referred to as an “ITA”) following the filing of an EOI.

Assist and advise the CLIENT with collating and uploading of Docs

required by DHA and review all such information and documents prior to submitting an EOI to DHA.

Our Expertise

Our Expectise

We Help You Get Permit and Job

Employment Assistance Services

We grant access to the CLIENT to In-Konet’s employment advisor who will provide one-on-one guidance and assistance.

Resume / CV and Social Media Profile

How to build a resume and a cover letter according to Australian employment and attractive professional job and social media profile.

Application Submissions

Standards for submission by the CLIENT to potential employers.

We offer general career counseling services to maximize the CLIENT’s exposure to Australian employers.

Subject to receipt of payment of legal fees stipulated Here, the Application would be logged to the potential Australian and New Zealand employers hiring.